Wednesday, May 28, 2008

God is Beauty

That was such a strange and awesome experience, so ill tell you it... i'm siting at my computer desk and i look at the open door to see my cat walk into view and stand there looking aimlessly around. now i'm not the ultimate cat fan, they are moody, annoying at most times, stick there claws into you, can't fetch and make me sneeze, but at this perfect moment, the evening sunlight hit my cats turtle backed fur, and gleamed across its eyes as it stared at me. The white fur was perfectly snow white, the black fur went a beautiful pitch black, and the brown fur turned gold and shone like an angel. and it blew me away.

I saw the beauty of God.
The beauty that a creature can have.
The elegance that it has when it moves and even when it stands. it amazes me..

...And i stared, and i just sat back in awe.. i saw the beauty of God.. the chilling, awesome, and i mean AWEsome, beauty of God.. such thing i have never seen and will never forget.. it may sound bland, seeing your cat walk across your door, but it was a perfect moment. God is good. and God has created everything in utmost beauty and perfection. The structure of our body is amazing, we have over 200 bones that work perfectly together like gears, and it's not accident that we have a brain so complex that no scientist in the world can fully describe how it works.. we have internal systems that work perfectly with each other and a heart that pumps just enough blood to let us live.. God is good and God is in control. So next time you see pure beauty, don't walk past. That beauty is hard to come by these days, so cherish the moment, live by God.

Just a thought..

Have a great one

Monday, May 19, 2008

Are You Practised?

Whats the point of being a Christian if ya don't open the bible.

it's one thing to listen to your pastor speak every Sunday and if ya lucky your youth pastor speak on some day during the week, try and take it all in, then wait till next week to be spoken to...

...and it's another thing to go to church then spend the rest of week reading the word of God so that the next Sunday is not the next time you open your dusted Bible

Are you practiced?

We played a game of cricket after church tonight. and it was amazing. I gave up cricket for the church, but because i had 10 years of practice at the game, i was able to pick the bat up and play close to the level that i was playing at before i gave it up for more important things.. i was practiced

Now lets think.. what would of happened if i had no practiced cricket. if i had gone to games only and tried to take it all in. then wait till next week. I would not have the long term skill that i now have for the rest of my life.. i will never ever forget how to play cricket.

Are you practiced in Christianity.

Do you go to church on Sunday, try to take it all in, like your Saturday cricket game, then wait till next week with no other practice..

Open your Bible, and practice. read the bible. learn the message of God so that when it's your turn to bat to know what do, you know how to play.

Can you go out into the game and do the thing that you're called to do?
Can you go out into the world and be a practiced Christian?
Do you want that long term knowledge that you'll never ever forget?

Are you practiced?

Just a thought.

Have a great one

Open Sign That Says Closed!

Did you know that you have radio frequency waves passing by, through, and right next to you 24/7. The only reason that you can't hear them is the fact that your ears aren't tuned in.
Nearly every frequency in the Auckland radio range is filled up. right form 88.1 fm, which is the 'Static station' to 103 fm, Aucklands 'Dance music radio' station. There is stuff like Indian pop radio, BassFm, the Edge, Flava, GeorgeFm. Anything. And by simply turning a dial our radio's can pick up those transmissions up. Easy as pie my friend.
Did you know that God is always sending down 'transmissions'. He wants the Kingdoms invasion to continue, he wants to people of the North Shore to be saved. God is sending downs pieces of the heavens, in the forms of gifts and signs, to save his lost sheep. To give the people of New Zealand a chance to live because people: They can't save themselves!
The problem is that most of the time we do not have our ears tuned to God's frequency. The majority of his gifts, his signs, his wonders are flying straight past us like unwanted radio waves.


We are too blame.
Our ears need to be faced towards Gods voice.
Cause trust me.. He's always sending stuff down.
He's not a God that gives up on his people.
"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever".

Dont' be a hopeless Son that's never home when his Father's calling. Because God is always calling. Always wanting to give you gifts and miracles.
Don't be an open sign that says closed. that is, don't expect gifts from God if you're not tuned in
Dont' be a friend that Jesus can't trust. That is, tune up and get ready for the rain!

The Vision, So Powerful

The Vision.

So this guy comes up to me and says "What's The Vision? What's the big idea?" I open my mouth and the words come out like this.

"The vision? The vision is Jesus – Obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus. The Vision is an army of young people. You seen bones? I see an army, and they are FREE from materialism. They laugh at 9-5 little prisons. They could eat caviar on Monday and crusts on Tuesday. They wouldn't even notice. They know the meaning of The Matrix , the way the west was won. They are mobile like the wine they belong to the nations. They need no passport. People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at strange existence. They are free yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying. What is 'The Vision'? The Vision is holiness that hurts the eyes. It makes children laugh and adults angry. It gave up the game of minimum integrity long ago to reach for the stars. It scorns the good and strains for the best, it is dangerously pure. Sacrifice fuels the fire of Victory in their upward eyes, winners, Martyrs, who can stop them? Can hormones hold them back? Can failure succeed? Can fear scare them or death kill them? And the generation pray's. Like a dying man with groans beyond talking, with warriors cried, sulphuric tears and with great barrow loads of laughter! Waiting, watching. Whatever it takes they will give : Breaking the rules. Shaking mediocrity from its cozy little hide. Laying down their rights and precious little wrongs, laughing at labels, fasting essentials. The advertisers cannot mold them. Hollywood cannot hold them. Peer pressure is powerless to shake their resolve at late night parties before the cockerel cries. They are incredibly cool, dangerously attractive inside. On the outside? They hardly care. They wear clothes like costumes to communicate but never to hide. Would they surrender their image or popularity? They would lay down their very lives – swap seats with the man on death row. Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation. It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their Satan games. This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause. A millions times a day its soldiers choose to loose that they might one day win. The great 'well done' of faithful sons and daughters. Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night. They don't need fame from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards and hear the crowds chanting again and again 'Come On!'. And this is the sound of the underground, the whisper of history in the making. Foundation shaking. Revolutionaries dreaming once again. Mystery is scheming in whispers. Conspiracy is breathing…This is the sound of the underground and the Army is disciplined. Young people who beat their bodies into submissions. Every Soldier would take a bullet for his comrade at arms. The tattoo on their back boasts "For me to Live is Christ and to Die is Gain!" Guilty as hell. A throne for an electric chair. With blood, sweat and many tears, and fruitless days and sleepless nights. They pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on them. Their DNA chooses Jesus. They subconscious sings. They has a blood transfiguration with Jesus. Their words make demons scream in shopping centre's. Don't you hear them coming? Herald the weirdo's, summon the losers and freaks. Here some the frightened and forgotten. With fire in their eyes. They walk tall and trees applaud, sky scrappers bow mountains are dwarfed by these children of another dimension. Their Prayers summon the hounds of Heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden. And this vision will be. It will come to pass, it will come easily. It will come soon. How do I know??? Because this is the long creating itself, the groaning of the spirit, the very dream of God, my tomorrow is his today. My distance is his 3D. And my feeble whispered faithless prayer invokes a thunderstorm, resounding, bone-shaking great "Amen!" from countless angles, from herds of the true faith from Christ himself. And he is the original Dreamer, the ultimate winner.