Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Most Powerful Light

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, intended to collide opposing beams of protons (one of several types of hadrons) with very high Kinetic energy. That means it speeds particles up, in this case protons, to nearly light speed, and then makes them collide! BOOM! and apparently, make a scale version of the big bang, says everyone, WRONG! they are not making the big bang. how could that happen? the main purpose is to test the limitations of the Standard Model, a theory that describes three of the four known fundamental interactions among the elementary particles that make up all matter, that is, very small things that make up what the world is. They are looking for the missing piece of the puzzle that is currently denying their theory of the big bang. This little piece is called the Higg particle, also named the 'God' Particle

It's funny cause in my mind Physics doesn't answer the question for me, instead is proves the answer that i already know. That answer is God.

How many of you know that God said "let there be light"? probably most of you. Genesis 1:3, have a look. Now all this talk about the big bang has got me thinking. The big bang theory suggests that the universe expanded from a very hot and dense state, and is still expanding. Now coming back to God, lets have a look at what he did, he made light on earth, before anything else. not only does that suggest the metaphorical nature of light, but also the literal physical need for light to be made first. And it is those two things that i have been researching and has been on my heart for quite a while now.

I believe that God used his own laws of Physics to create the universe, not special God laws, but the laws of physics that we know and learn today. Now I'm not saying that man knows all these laws and is equal to God, on the contrary, there is numerous phenomena that Man and science cannot explain. Perhaps laws we don't know yet? This is why i believe this:

The First thing God said is "let there be light". We all now that, we understand that. Now what e=mc2 means is that energy is proportional to the amount of mass times the speed of light squared, hence the mc2. The speed of light is massive by the way:
299 792 458 meters per second... Now square that.. You see what I'm saying :D

This is the fundamentals of a nuclear bomb works: e=mc2. That is why it is so powerful! you're taking a heavy dense object and using the squared speed of light to make a massive amount of energy!

But what is energy? well it turns out that light has a direct relationship to energy!! Now take the equation e=mc2 and turn it backwards, say we had a massive amount of energy, what would happen? Would it turn into a very dense and hot state? huh? maybe it will, I think so...

...What I am saying is that God used the perfect amount of energy and his own perfect laws to create an expanding matter state that is our universe.. how do you prove that it's is still expanding? Very simple. You know that noise that happens when a formula-one car races past you? Do you notice the sudden change in the sound? like VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR -UUUUUM. That, my friend, is the Dopple effect, and it is also used to measure how far a planet or star is away from us by something called 'Red Shift'. Red and Blue shift is the change in Wavelength. That means that the length changes in the light wave. When a light wave has blue shift is means the wavelength is decreasing, so it is coming closer to you. However when a light has Red shift it means the wavelength is increasing, meaning that it is getting further away from you... However, it is more complex than that. The red shift is not directly proportional to the increase in distance, in fact the galaxies are not moving purely because of the speed they have, instead the space around them is stretching with them- The universe is expanding.

What i am saying is that God used the perfect amount of energy with his perfect physical laws to create the perfect universe, then he waited until he found the perfect planet that was the perfect distance from the closest star to create a perfect world with water, land, and animals.. Isn't God perfect?

Now what is the metaphorical significant of Light? The bible talks numerously about the light. The one fact that I hold very close to me is the fact that Darkness is the absence of Light. Dark only prevails when there is no light to overpower it. Light a candle in a dark room and the darkness does not at any point overwhelm the candle. For instance, the candle cannot be put out by the darkness, in fact the darkness is put out by the candle. This is why Jesus speaks about our "light" in the gospels. if we hide our light under a basket we are doing the Devils works for him. He wants our light to be extinguished and he cannot do that himself. Because light cannot be put out by darkness, but he uses other things to do that, like anger, depression, pride, and lust. Jesus needs our light to light up the dark places of the world, for as long as people are in darkness they cannot see God, they cannot see the true nature of what Jesus really means, they need the light of Jesus to open their eyes.

Jesus is the light and we are called to walk with him in that light: "But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus" - 1John 1:7. We all have darkness in us, to say that we have no darkness in us is deceiving ourselves and that is foolish and untruthful. Therefore because we have darkness in us we need the light of Jesus to come into us and remove that darkness, for as long as there is light there is no darkness, remember Darkness is the absence of Light.

Darkness cannot prevail if we have light in us, that Light is Jesus, and by walking with him we create a fellowship with the greatest, brightest and most powerful Light in the universe. The Light that created everything, and the Light that heals everything.

Just a thought


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